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Whether you work full time, stay at home, or are somewhere in the middle, there is an opportunity to get involved for everyone! To check out ongoing volunteer opportunities email the PTA!

So many of us would like to volunteer some time to help out our kids’ school, but we don’t know where or when we are most needed. There are so many ways you can donate your time to help our school community!

Some ways our parents can be involved on a regular, recurring basis:

  • Volunteer for upcoming PTA events 

  • Volunteer your translation skills. We always need help with translations of PTA documents into Spanish, Chinese, and Korean

  • Become a Class Parent. Become the parent in your class who makes sure all the other parents know what’s going on in the school. Come to PTA meetings, encourage other parents to do so as well, and keep everyone informed


결국 아이의 성공을 위한 가장 압도적인 열쇠는 부모의 적극적인 참여입니다.
제인 D. 헐

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