Mother's Day Sale 5/11
All grades will get to shop for gifts (items will range from $1.00-$5.00) for their family and friends. The children have such a blast buying something special for their loved ones!
If you would like your child to participate in the sale, please enclose money in an envelope with your child's name and class number and Mother's Day Sale written on it and send it in with your child on Thursday, May 11th.
Interested in Volunteering? To have a successful event, we are looking for volunteers to help with set-up, the sale, and clean-up. At this time, all volunteers must present a photo ID. If you are interested, please click on the link for more information and to sign up. As always, we appreciate all your help and ongoing support for the PTA!
Signup Link:
RECYCLE & REUSE! The PTA is seeking plastic bag donations for the children to hold their purchased goods. If you save plastic bags from stores (clean with no items, food or liquids), we can repurpose those plastic bags for our event. Thank you!